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A Few Thoughts on Yard Signs, In General

If you think about it, the message of these yard signs merely asserts a historical fact.  If you are less than a pure ignoramus, you know that the “certain OVER-REACHING established authorities” were the British overlords of the colonists.

Who are the most deserving of the title “OVER-REACHING” to you?  In one sense this is a one-size-fits-all message, but it really comes down to your answer to the question- WHAT the hell does that mean?!?

I live in a very liberal neighborhood- lots of BLM and ‘Hate Has No Home Here’ signs. In the 1/4 mile stretch of our street, and neighboring streets, you probably found only 2 or 3 Trump signs last election.

That being the case, I’m looking forward to sitting on my porch with an Old Fashioned in hand (mint’s starting to perk up- so it might be a Mint Julep), a good cigar indicating my presence beyond the bushes, and being asked that question.

Got my answer ready- “I dunno, what’s it mean to you?” From there it’ll be improv time.  If I do well, it’ll be very Socratic (i.e. a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals based on asking & answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas & presuppositions. The Socratic method is more than that, but you get the idea.) If I don’t, well, I look forward to 15 minutes later when what I should have said arrives.

To our brother, Pastor Doug Wilson (the author of our sign’s message) and the members of Christ Church in Moscow ID, their ‘good’ mayor, Bill Lambert, probably wins the COREA (c’mon, you can figure that out) Sweepstakes by at least 2 furlongs.

To Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski, it’s possibly a toss-up between the mayor of Calgary and the pride of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.  To the family of Ashli Babbitt, it may be the Capitol Police officer (who-must-not-be-named), or it may be Merrick Garland’s DOJ.

So, we have here a veritable Swiss Army knife of yard signs.

But let’s not suppose we’ll only get negative responses. You, for example, would certainly express appreciation to someone displaying any kind of evidence that they’re fed up with the nonsense; or the bullshit, if you like.  You may make new friends with like-minded neighbors.  If you encountered one friendly sort for every five dickheads, that would be worth it, wouldn’t it? (You can tell I live in the city.  In the country, people might bring you a fresh-baked pie. Might happen in the city too, but probably prudent to feed some to the neighbor’s cat first.)

The last thing I’ll say on this subject is this- I recently bought a good looking ball cap that reads “USAF” on the cap, and “Veteran” on the bill. I instantly regretted the purchase when it arrived with a tag saying, “Designed in USA /100% Cotton/ Made in China”.

However, it IS a good looking hat, and so I decided to keep it. First time I wore it was to pick up the pizza. The clerk said, “Thanks for your service, & I’ve taken 10% off.” I said, “Damn, this thing’s gonna pay for itself!”

Next time was to Krogers. Guy stocking produce said he was in the USAF too. We chatted.  Guy in the liquor dept. was a Marine, & fought in Vietnam. We chatted. Without my Chinese hat, all that never would have happened.

These signs were designed by veterans, and made in the good ol’ USA. Columbus Ohio, as a matter of fact.

We’re very much looking forward to your stories. Will post the best ones.

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Welcome to!
If you’ve come here to buy a sign, we’re grateful and happy to ‘meet’ you, and to get it into your hands as quickly & as inexpensively as we can.
If you’re here by accident or curiosity, it’s also great to have you visit. Hope you are intrigued by the prospects of this undertaking, and come back over & over.
The plan is for this to be more than a store for our signs, but to be a blog as well.  We intend for this to have fresh content, such as our – Quote of the Day- but also of postings of like-minded, thought-provoking, real-world pieces that we wish to put before whatever audience this comes to be, plus some of our own simple musings.
Basically we’re pissed-off Americans, not ready to tap out in the ongoing struggle for the soul of our country.
We are daily inspired by reports of fellow Americans who are courageous and innovative in their resistance to our runaway train-wreck of a government, and our spoiled-brat culture.  We are particularly inspired to do the little we can to help the team of like-minded conservatives who are engaged, or ready to be engaged, in this work.
We were born, raised and now raise our families in Columbus, Ohio. We’ve been spared here of much of the self-destruction of Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, etc. (But the statue of our great Christopher Columbus has been moved to a ‘safe-house’.)
We are 2 dads and 1 son, each veterans. We are businessmen; in the businesses we started.  We are first & foremost, Christians, who badly needed our Savior & Lord- Jesus Christ.
That said, this website will be an inclusive one, which by intention will promote the wisdom of great God-fearing people of all stripes.  And occasionally, even humanists with worthy things to say (ex. James Lindsay- Cynical Theories).
To win back the vast ground lost to America’s enemies, domestic & foreign, we need great alliances.
Again, welcome to PoundSand.  Hope you’ll come back.